While it’s still January and the start of Chinese New Year / Tet, I thought I’d take the opportunity to pop in to say HI and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I know it’s been a while, so thank you, faithful readers, for sticking with us!
The past few months have been a wonderful blur of welcoming this little guy into our lives…
… who actually looks a little more like this now…
It’s been a crazy wonderful journey. We were very blessed to have my mom stay with us  — thanks mom! — to help us in all sorts of ways. She did a fair bit of night duty with me, cooked me all kinds of nutritious, restorative foods, and generally just loved on all of us. I’ve mentioned before how everyone, young and old alike, treats my mom like she is their own mother, because she truly has a tenderness and sacrificial nature that makes people instantly trust her with the deepest things in their hearts. Watching my mom with little E. the past few months has given me a glimpse of just how she must have cared for me when I was first born, and I feel so special to be able to witness that. I am truly blessed to call her mom!
As I’m adapting to my own new role of being a mom, I’ve been trying to streamline my life more, which includes how I prepare our meals. So I thought I’d take the next few posts to share a little bit about what I’ve been doing and ask readers for anything you’ve found helpful in your own meal prep routines. So stay tuned, and in the meantime, HAPPY YEAR OF THE DRAGON!
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