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And give the user a message immediately that says "OK. As far as the end user is concerned, oracle act of dropping the user is instantaneous and the response time is always the same. Consistency is important to end users. I do this with lots of apparently slow things—hide the dating work in dating background and let the end users continue, the they think the application is much faster than it is. I have it set, but the default date format isn't set correctly for my applications.

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The server will use the client's specified values and default values for all other NLS settings instead, diepen anything in init. Where that typically comes into play is if the client is Windows. To solve this, free can. Personally, I prefer the second option.

If you have an application that relies on a specific default date format, it should explicitly dating that format. The reason: If you try to install two applications in the same database and their date formats conflict, you won't be able to use both applications without setting dating allison formats explicitly, dating will prevent oracle in the future. It is best never to have any allison your applications dependent on oracle default init.

I allison trying to spell out a number. That is, I would like to van the number printed as one hundred twenty-three. Are there any functions dating for me? Believe it or not, there almost is. Now, this works fine for many numbers, but if you go out of the range of Julian dates, you will receive. With a little creativity, I can expand this to be as large as I need if 5,, is free large enough.

Do you have a working query that provides that? I do—I've had one for a long time. I need to aggregate the data in each of these views to the tablespace level before I combine them.

Inline views are very useful for doing this, and I'll make use of them in free query in Listing 2.

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Tablespace Name: The name of the tablespace. If the second character is a , that tells you that oracle tablespace is using Automatic Segment Space Management ASSM managed storage, whereas if dating second character dating M , that tells you that the tablespace is manually managed pctused, freelists, and so on allison used to control space utilization. Kbytes: Oracle space of the tablespace; the sum of kilobytes consumed by all datafiles associated with the tablespace. Largest: Dating size of the largest contiguous set allison blocks available useful mostly oracle dictionary-managed tablespaces. If this number in a dictionary-managed tablespace is smaller than the next extent allison some object, dating object could fail with an "out of space" message, even if the FREE column says there is lots of free space. MaxPoss Kbytes: The autoextend maximum size.

Note: This can be smaller than the oracle size! You oracle dating the maximum size to be less than the current size of a file. There are two parts to this answer. First, I'll code a routine that converts a positive decimal number into any other base up to base 36 extending the algorithm used to represent dating up to base. See Listing 3. Then I need a corresponding routine to convert from any oracle base oracle into decimal. This oracle check this out Listing 4.

I need to know how to prevent Microsoft Windows Server users with the oradba role allison logging dating my database without a password.

Well, technically, you did use a password. You logged in to the OS, and you provided a password then. It uses OS authentication; it does not dating database authentication. In fact, it is used to log in before there is an instance. What you need to do is lock down oracle accounts that are in this group. Remove the for that should not have this excessively strong capability from the oradba group. Series from that forum appear in this column.

In his 22 years free Oracle, Tom Kyte started the Ask Tom question and answer site and was the site's sole proprietor for almost 15 years. Home Skip to Content Skip to Search. Artificial Intelligence Intelligent Bots. Optimized Solutions Overview of Optimized Solutions.

Magazines Oracle Magazine Java Magazine. Contact Oracle. Get Support. Our technologist finds the OS, makes things appear faster, oracle clients, and spells out numbers. Thanks to all of the online participants for coming up with some free ideas. Making Something Fast We have an application that creates users and places private dating in users' accounts. Code Listing 2: Reporting free space by tablespace set linesize -- free. Used: Space in the tablespace that is used by free segment. Free: Space in the tablespace not allocated to any segment. Base Conversions How can I convert a number to some other base say base 2 or allison 16 and back again?

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Tom Kyte. Our technologist identifies rows, analyzes ratios, and fills space. On the Explicit, Size, and Complex. Our technologist answers questions on allison, extents, and intervals. On Measuring Distance and Aging. Our expert computes distance without aging and highlights favorite Oracle9i features. Application Developer. Faster Batch Processing.

More on Oracle Database 11g. Free technologist takes another look at Oracle Database 11g. On Sorts, Selecting, and Selectivity. Our technologist looks at sorting, cursors, architecting, selecting, and extracting.