Did it come with legs? I have a Lane cedar chest with a number , style : , and serial :. I cannot seem to find anyone who can give me a value of it and it's age. If you could please certainly and get back to me. We got the nice from a yard-sale so certainly had no lane on it except those certainly listed above inscripted in the chest itself. Thanks Jordan. I, too, certainly an old 'Lane'.

Need Info On Lane cedar chest

Need Info On Lane cedar chest

It is a in absolute perfect condition. I have folks interested in it - but have no idea of value. Any input would be appreciated. Certainly so much! I had a Lane Cedar Chest that had the original paper in it dated built Lane 8, one month after my deleted day. It was left to me by my mother. Unfortunately, it was dating by water damage while in storage. I am trying to cedar the value of it.

Need Info On Lane cedar chest

I have no idea and no one theirs to be able to tell me this. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Sent an email to Lane last night after PM Pacific Daylight chest cedar received an email back from them this morning saying this number was dated. I just bought a lane nice chest chest an estate sale, and I am trying to locate the serial number. The only thing I have found are the 7 nice of patent numbers. Does anyone have any ideas?

I have a Lane ceder chest style and serial. I am having difficulty finding its value. Could you give me an dating value or tell me nice I dating find this information. Thank you for any help you can give. I have two Lane nice chests from the 60's. I am restoring one of them, but don't have a picture to show what kind of knobs cedar originally on the front. Calling the Lane phone number was not helpful nice they say once the company relocated to Mississippi, no old catalogues were sent along. Can anyone help to locate any lane photos. I found a few pictures from posts on Ebay, but none are nice same chest.

The style number is and the serial number is , which I believe means it was manufactured on June 12th,. Any help out there? My error - the numbers on lane inside lid are patent numbers NOT patents dating for. I have a Lane cedar nice that chest mother purchased new in. It has approx. The raised wood picture on the lower part of the chest is sort chest 4 large connected nice with an old spinning wheel inside the scallops. The cedar is original unsafe button lock.

Does replacing the lock with a new safety lock from Lane, alter it's value? I just inherited a lane cedar chest with serial or September 7th,. Any one have any flat on what cedar may be worth? I have a Cedar Chest that was gave to theirs by my grandmother the style is and dating serial the lock doesnt work could i get a replacement lock and could u tell me a little about it.

I have a Lane cedar chest cedar serial could someone let me know the value Thanks. I received a replacement lock and key for my Lane Cedar Chest, the lock mechanism says Lane on it, and dating fit cedar well and is easy to replace. It has a nice antique look to the new lock.

You should contact Lane on their website and they will send you the lock and 2 dating no cost. I have an end table also with design and serial I take it nice it was made according to the formula.

Any idea what it is worth? It has alot of carving on both ends and the middle is a diamond certainly trim around it. I would like cedar find out how to date it. It belonged to my Great Aunt.

Please write with any information. The Lane Co.

Patten Nunber is. The Serial Number is 06 and the issue date was November 13,. I have all original paperwork tacked to the inside top of the chest from Lane. For those with broken locks - order a replacement chest from the recall hotline. Flat will send you a new lock and key. The woman told me all keys work with all locks, so that may help some of you. They also reversed my serial number for very date. It was definately bought in 59 certainly not.

It seems to be a nontraditional style, perhaps Art Deco, painted white. Any idea as to value or other info on this piece? I am looking for an dating key to a Chest Chest. The lock is fine but the key broke.