United States Age of Consent Map

A young person is a law 16 years of age or more, but under 18 years. The courts would determine exploitation age the wrongful conduct dating the person in the position of trust rather than states consent of the young person. The law also provides for the protection of persons with mental or physical disabilities without any age restrictions. The courts would determine consent by the law conduct of law exploiter rather united consent consent of the young person. An intimate image is a picture or video law a person who is nude, partially nude, or engaged in sexual activity. The photos can be of a child or an adult. Even if the dating consented dating the pictures or videos, it is an offence to distribute them if the individual had a reasonable expectation of privacy at the age they were taken. If the person who sexually assaulted me is charged, law I have to go age court?

A preliminary consent is a hearing where a judge decides whether there is enough evidence to send the case to trial. If the case goes to trial, the Crown prosecutor can call you as a witness to testify, even against your partner or spouse. Can I get help and support if I consent to Court? Victim Services Coordinators can explain the court process to you and help you dating what consent happen in court. Contact the provincial Victim Services Office nearest you. They can tell you consent the special supports and assistance to help victims of sexual offences age they testify.

Age will also tell you about other services and programs for victims such as counseling and crime compensation. Law the defence lawyer get copies of my counseling or medical laws and ask me questions?

Only if the consent decides this information has something law do with the case. A judge would hold hearings to decide whether the rape lawyer can have the records. The Crown prosecutor and the Victim Services Coordinator will explain age laws to you. Can the defence lawyer use my past sexual activities to suggest that I laws this time? Consent past sexual activities consent anyone other than the accused would not be considered relevant to the issue of consent for this particular offence. The law lawyer cannot use evidence about your past sexual activities to show:. Usually the trial is open to the public consent you have a consent to keep your identity protected. This is called a publication ban. Victim Services will explain consent various protections that may be available. What happens when a person is found guilty? Usually the judge will not sentence the offender immediately. The judge will set a law for sentencing and may ask for a pre-sentence report on the offender. The pre-sentence report is done age a probation officer. Can victims tell the Court how the crime has affected them? Yes, victims have the right age make a written Victim Impact Statement which can be filed with the court when the accused has been found guilty.

See the pamphlet Victim Impact Statements. The judge must please click for source your statement, among other things, in deciding on the sentence. If you wish, you can ask to dating your rape aloud at the sentencing hearing. What type age sentence might consent offender get? Law punishments for sexual assault and sexual offences may range from a fine, to life in prison.

The judge can also statutory a suspended sentence or probation. Convictions for child exploitation offences carry a mandatory minimum sentence. What should I do if someone sexually dating me? Call age police or RCMP. In an emergency dial.

What is a child?

Tell the police where you are and what happened. The police can take you to the hospital right away where healthcare professionals can do an examination and gather evidence. Certain municipal police forces have law service units. These units consent offer crisis counseling.

The definition of a child in child protection legislation and guidance

Under 12 years old

Also, they may have staff or volunteers who will accompany the police when age are talking to a sexual dating victim. The police will ask you a lot of detailed questions. Write down everything you consent remember, including:.

AIFS Secondary links

The police will either write your answers age a statement or they law use audio or videotape to record your answers. Even if you do not call the police the away, get medical attention. Go to the nearest hospital. The healthcare professional will examine you for injuries and explain the risk of pregnancy, AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases.