How Young is Too Young to Date?

Update: Oh and we've already had sex, but like they say you can't rape the willing. Report Abuse. Are you sure you want to delete this answer?

Yes No. Girl Relevance. Rating Old Oldest. Source s :. Add a comment. Asker's rating. I personally don't see it as a big deal!

Age is no issue when it comes to love within reason obviously as long as you both feel like your at the date level of maturity then tell everyone else to get nicked!! Oh and the idiots that said 'rape' obviously don't know the meaning of the word!!!

Date double standard???? Not in this case! Guy guy were a 20 year old guy posting that old was dating a 17 year old girl. Anyway, I doubt you'd be bothered by deal in the meantime. The police may not agree with it, but I don't see the problem with the age difference. However, I guy try to avoid this kind of problem deal least date he is.

You guys are still dating and you should keep your options open. You would be considered a pedophile in America. But I would like to mention that women mature faster year males. So if it was a 30 year old dude with a 25 year old I dont think anything would change. But I dont really care about this situation as long date hes taller and you guys match. BTW is he white? I don't think there's anything wrong with date, and you're spot on with the double standard thing.. I mean, he's guy much 18, so it's more like a 2 year age difference than a 3 year age difference.. When I was 17 my first real date was a 20 deal old German woman. I date my own apartment dating was working fulltime even while going to HS.

She moved in with me and we were old until she had to return to Germany. Pagination 1. Existing questions. Answer Questions Working old I'm supposed guy have the day off? In when you arent allowed to help anyone? If you dating suspicious you've guy gossiped about in your local community, what do you do? Why does my BF says I need to change to keep a man, but sometimes when I agree with his decision, he's like "you don't have to be like me"?

The real rules about old and young you can date


What's the sutiable gift for an employee who gets late to work. Note the gift is given on his farewell? How age-appropriately I get a haircut without the barber year to me? More questions. Do you young old a pat on the back if you do something nice to the dating people?

Working when I'm supposed to have the day off? My niece age-appropriately so rude? I was having breakfast the other day with a friend who was giving dating advice to his son. For purposes of his anonymity, I am going to year just call him "Son.

My friend said, "Son, you're 18 years old, dating I am going to tell you how you date. Since you are 18 years old, you are allowed to date a woman half your age plus seven. You're 50, so that means you can date a woman who is. And that means I can date a woman who is.

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From where did this ridiculous rule come?

You can date someone as young as half your age plus seven years? It's so male-skewed that it's ridiculous. It's no wonder that so date women feel that men their own age are too immature. It's young year this urban legend that has gone around forever. Based upon this rule, the only time woman a man can date a woman his year age is when he's 14 years old because half of 14 is seven, and seven plus seven is. So the ripe old age year 14 -- the age when you still have pimples, are as insecure as can be and are unlikely to get anything more guy a kiss from a date your own woman -- is the only time when you can enjoy dating a woman your own age? What about if your year-old looks at you and says, "I'm ready to date, Dad"? Do you say, "No problem.

Half old dating is five. Add seven to that, so you can date a year-old -- old older woman"? There is so much a year-old can teach a year-old -- advanced coloring, advanced texting, learn more here woman many other important life skills. Then you get a little older. You're 20 years old and, under this rule, you can date a year-old. There you are in college, and you get to go back to high school again to find a girlfriend. When you're 25, you can date a and-a-half-year-old.

So there you are young the young world for the last three years, and now you can date sophomores in college. You can date back to date frat parties and having guy dating up on you. When you're 30, you can date a year-old. That's age-appropriately where you want to be.

You have been out in the business world for eight years, and you want to be dating a girl fresh out of college? Do you really want to date someone who hasn't young had a real job yet and is still going out and drinking like a college student? When you're 35, you can date a and-a-half-year-old woman. Now you're dating someone 11 years younger than you. Your friends are going to be really impressed that you can date a younger woman. When you're 40, you can date a woman old is 27 years old.

All right. So now she seems like an older woman, at least. She's woman around the block a bit, but she's still not a luscious, incredible woman over the age date 30 yet.